Hey, I’m Mohamed Fawzy 👋

I’m an impact driven product designer based in Egypt. I turn valuable ideas into human centered interfaces.



I'm working as a UI/UX Designer for almost five years. My major was about computer science, through this time I got interdisciplinary background in programming, copywriting, marketing and business thinking.

I believe in design that brings change. going from the broader level of human experience to the businesses working to create this change. I believe all should be awarded in a delicate balance.

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Designed a typeface as a product designer: Here’s what I learned
Dec 16, 2023 — 4 mins read
I was trying to challenge myself to create a complete identity and landing page for a fictional brand called Casetom. However, when I reached the point of creating the typeface, I found myself drawn into a black hole.
Marvelous GPT-3 Powered Figma Plugin in 3 Days after Years Away from Coding: The Full Journey
Mar 10, 2023 — 5 min read
As a designer who hadn’t touched code in three years, the thought of developing a GPT3-driven plugin for Figma seemed daunting. But something inside me urged me to give it a try, and I’m so glad I did.
Do UX designers need to code? Hmm not really- Here's the complete guide
Feb 8 2019 — 5 mins read
There are tons of articles online telling you that you should learn HTML and CSS to understand how things are done on the development side but is that true? Let's dive into that.

For the community.

From inside - من جوا السيستم
We talk about tech industry from inside for Arab community
Figma plugin
Transform your ideas into reality with chatGPT power in Figma & FigJam
Figma plugin
Bazzle: A Variable Builder
Effortlessly Generate Comprehensive Global Variables/Tokens in No Time! 🪄
Figma plugin
Match Variables  🍉
Bind color, sizing, spacing, and radius properites to your variable collection, saving tons of time.
Notion resource
The ultimate UX/Digital product design roadmap
A roadmap to help peer designers from the day they took the decision to pursue their career in design until they have a solid knowledge of what's next.